Monday, January 07, 2008

All Staff Conference 2008 in Florida

ASC 2008 at Orlando World Center! Greg and I had no idea what to expect as we flew to Florida. We had only heard of ASC from our friends Chris and Ashley and when they got back from ASC 2004 they could not stop talking about how fun it was! It was like camp for adults! Everything was new, a surprise at every hour. There were phenomenal speakers that were encouraging us at every corner. We met up with friends from around the country that we hadn't seen in awhile and met so many new friends. There were about 4,000 YL staff there! We can't wait for ASC 2012! 

There were so many surprises that blew each of us away. Young Life is known for excellence in all that we do and when you put every staff person in the world into one room, you can excpect nothing but the very BEST from every aspect! 

When you're entertaining adults that entertain high school students as their job you have to bring in the professionals to get a that is what they did. 

*Jeff Foxworthy was there and he hosted "Are you Smarter than a Young Life Vice President?" Jeff Foxworthy is also a volunteer leader at a Wyldlife Club (for Jr. High) Can you imagine having a comedian at your Wyldlife leader!!?! Jeff also gave a stand-up comedy including his Redneck jokes as well as You Know You're On Young Life Staff When... it was funny at first and then he moved onto a more serious note of encouragement and the realities we YL staff and leaders face when working with kids. Kids' real lives, their real hurt, their real pain, their real joys. It was such a gift to hear Jeff Foxworthy (whom I was never a fan of before this trip but now I'm a huge fan : )

*Jack Hanna (a famous wildlife conservationist who is a regular on The Late Show with David Letterman. He came on with some crazy animals, a snake, an armadillow, a mountain lion (Puma). The most hilarious scene came from one of the upfront Club program (funny guys) volunteered his wife to carry the Python snake and the snake proceeded to wrap itself in between her legs and poked out from behind her. She couldn't move and the guy wouldn't grab the snake off of her. It was so awkward and hilarious all at once!! 

*Nicole C. Mullen and Jars of Clay musical guests. 

*6 phenomenal speakers that inspired each of us and affirmed us in our call to Young Life staff.

*Kids shared their stories that have been personally affected by Young Life and their leaders that invested in them and shared with them Christ in huge ways. It was so neat to hear the impact that YL has made on their lives and how visibly important this ministry is in the lives of our high school friends. I personally get to experience this everyday but it was just a great reminder of the mission we're in and how incredible it is in the lives of kids.