Saturday, January 10, 2009

This willow tree could be the death of us!!

Greg glaring at the Willow Tree!!

Everyone knows that I love trees! I cry when trees are cut down, I hate change, and my last name (now middle) is me a hippie, call me a tree hugger, call me a part of the green movement, whatever you wish..I just love trees- alot! EXCEPT this one!  Two days before we closed escrow the pool was a beautiful sparkling blue, the yard was free from any leaves and it looked like it could just use some flowers....Well not today! Not the day we close escrow...
Surprise! The Willow Tree decides to shed ALL of its leaves, fill the yard with these little yellow leaves, turn the pool a nasty color, and shed some more leaves!  I tell you... this Willow Tree could be the death of us!